
Hello there! 👋My name is Karim

Data Engineer with 6 years of experience and a background in Computer Science.

Data Expert ⚙️

Strong team player who develops and maintains large-scale infrastructure and implements complex data pipelines.

Personal Projects

Fraud Risk Assessment Streaming ETL

Fraud Risk Assessment Streaming ETL
KafkaAzureDatabricksSnowflakePythonSpark Streaming
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Lane Line Recognition System

Lane Line Recognition System
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Historical Data Processing with PySpark

Historical Data Processing with PySpark
PySparkPythonData ProcessingDockerHDFS
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Open Source Contributor Index (OSCI)

Open Source Contributor Index (OSCI)
Open SourcePythonAzureAzure Data FactoryAzure FunctionsBigQueryGoogle Data StudioDatabricks
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Tiny URL Service

Tiny URL Service
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Car Model Classification with TensorFlow

Car Model Classification with TensorFlow
PythonTensorFlowFastAPIDockerImage Classification
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Coming Soon 🚧

Coming Soon 🚧


Programming Languages




Big Data Tools

HadoopHDFSYARNPySparkSpark StreamingDelta LakeQlik CDC

Cloud Platforms

Azure Synapse AnalyticsAzure Event HubAzure Data FactoryAzure DatabricksGoogle BigQuerySnowflake

DevOps & CI/CD Tools

AirflowJenkinsGitLab CI/CDDockerKubernetesPrometheusNginx

Work Experience

Data Engineer

New Yorker GmbH & Co.KG

01/2023 - Present

Braunschweig, Germany

  • Designed, enhanced, and maintained Data Lake infrastructure and removed data quality issues.
  • Implemented and maintained Airflow DAGs for efficient data workflow orchestration.
  • Analyzed requirements for the new CDC; maintained legacy processes and integrated new pipelines with Qlik Replicate and Compose.
  • Documented technical processes for CDC, Data Lake, and other projects, including workflows and requirements.
  • Created and optimized CI/CD pipelines via Jenkins, Ansible, and GitHub Actions.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams in a dynamic business environment.
  • Utilized Bash scripts to automate data transfer and streamline processes.


  • Improved data accessibility and quality in the Data Lake, resulting in time and cost savings for multiple departments.
  • Streamlined the Rotation Call process by automating tasks with Bash scripts, reducing time and effort by 30%.
  • Migrated from an outdated CDC tool to Qlik, enhancing reliability and maintainability of data pipelines.

Backend Developer (HiWi)

Technische Universität Ilmenau

06/2022 - 12/2022

Ilmenau, Germany

  • Created RESTful API services via Django for observing endangered bees in Germany.
  • Set up Docker using docker-compose for controlling bees’ activity.
  • Added PostGIS extension to work with German TK25 coordinates.
  • Configured Nginx and Gunicorn settings in the project.
  • Set up CI/CD with unit and integration tests with GitLab CI/CD.
  • Enforced clean code guidelines.


  • Developed a backend application for monitoring endangered bees in Germany.

Data Engineer

EPAM Systems Inc.

12/2020 - 03/2022

Kazan, Russia

  • Implemented ETL processes in an open-source tracking project using Azure Cloud, Azure Data Factory, Databricks, PySpark, and Python.
  • Mentored students and juniors in Python; served as onboarding buddy, guiding new employees through processes and tools.


  • Expanded an open-source GitHub activity dashboard for major companies and an internal version to encourage employee engagement and contributions.

Backend Developer

Akvelon Inc.

05/2019 - 10/2020

Kazan, Russia

  • Implemented RESTful API services via Django, with CI/CD and Docker for an HR portal service that allows tracking of candidates’ hiring processes.
  • Designed database architecture in PostgreSQL.

Data Scientist

Meanotek AI

05/2018 - 03/2019

Kazan, Russia

  • Assisted a client in converting medical paper documents into structured databases using LSTM neural networks and Python.



  • IELTS Academic: B2


  • English: C1
  • German: A2
  • Russian: Native Speaker